Tuesday, June 26, 2007

celebrity dictionary vol. 1

Braff ( Zack Braff) - (v) what a man does to woo women with awkward quirkiness. "Man, that guy's a dork, but he sure gets the girls because he's always braffing it."

Linney (Laura Linney) - (v) to physically tremble in a heightened emotional state. "When she got the news her brother was killed in Iraq, she was linney-ing pretty hard-core and spilled her coffee."

Farina (Dennis Farina) - (n) where the penis attaches to the body. "When his ex-wife castrated him she got him all the way up to the farina, and then some."

Peet (Amanda Peet) - (n. pl.) the small pieces of mud debris that fall off a truck and hit your windshield. "I was stuck behind this bulldozer in traffic and all these damn peets kept falling off it and hitting my car."

Vanderbeek (James Vanderbeek) - (adv.) a manner of walking in an eager to please fashion because no one knows who the fuck you are anymore. "That guy walked vanderbeekly up to the front of the class to read his speech on high school football."

Dunst (Kirsten Dunst) - (v) the spillage that occurs when pouring a liquid out of a container. "Everytime I pour the coffee from that karafe, it dunsts all over the counter."

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