Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Berenstein Bears And Mama's Black Eye

It was a bright sunny spring morning in Bear Country. Brother and Sister bounded downstairs for their breakfast. Mama was making her trademark flapjacks. "Good morning, Mama," they said. Then Mama turned around. That was when Brother and Sister noticed something odd: Mama had a black eye.

"Gee, Mama. What happened?" asked Sister. "Did you run into a doorknob, like I did that time?" asked Brother. "No. I--uh--just fell down," replied Mama. "Here's your flapjacks!"

Papa Bear came down for breakfast. He looked very cross and mumbled something when he sat down. Nobody said anything for a long time. "Well," said Mama nervously. "Brother, what are you doing today?" "Well, we're going to the field to play baseball. Too-Tall and his gang were there yesterday, but then my friend Terry stood up to him and smacked him, pow! Right in his kisser!" Mama jumped in her chair. Then she stood up and left the room.

"What's wrong with Mama?" asked Sister. "Why are you looking at me?" replied Papa. "How should I know? All I know is that a certain someone overcooked the meatloaf last night and then another certain somebody got indigestion and then the first somebody made a rude comment about the other person's flatulence. So get off my case!"

Papa bear stood up and left the room. Brother and Sister just looked at each other. Then they smiled and reached for Papa's flapjacks.

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